Besides the fish caught, it is estimated that 150,000metrictons (165,000S/T) of unmarketable by-catch are caught and around 85,000metrictons (94,000S/T) of dead and injured invertebrates.Of the caught fish, about half are used for the production of fish oil and fish meal.HistorySturgeon, shad, rays, skates and salmon among other species were common in the North Sea into the 20th century, when numbers declined due to overfishing.Other factors like the introduction of non-indigenous species, industrial and agricultural pollution, trawling and dredging, human-induced eutrophication, construction on coastal breeding and feeding grounds, sand and gravel extraction, offshore construction, and heavy shipping traffic have also contributed to the decline.
The underside and mouth of a sturgeonThe OSPAR commission manages the OSPAR convention to counteract the harmful effects of human activity, Sea Fishing Products, on wildlife in the North Sea, preserve endangered species, and provide environmental protection. All North Sea border states are signatories of the MARPOL 73/78 Accords which preserves the marine environment by preventing pollution from ships. Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands also have a trilateral agreement for the protection of the Wadden Sea, or mudflats, which run along the coasts of the three countries on the southern edge of the North Sea.
At the end of the 19th century large quantities of herring were produced in Scotland. Today mainly mackerel, Atlantic cod, whiting, coalfish, European plaice, and sole are caught. In addition, common shrimp, lobster, and crab, along with a variety of shellfish are harvested.OverfishingTrends in landings of Cod, Haddock, Whiting and Norway Pout from the North Sea (1961-2004).In recent decades, overfishing has left many fisheries unproductive, disturbing the marine food chain dynamics and costing jobs in the fishing industry.
Herring, cod and plaice fisheries may soon face the same plight as mackerel fishing which ceased in the 1970s due to overfishing. Since the 1960s, various regulations have attempted to protect the stocks of fish such as limited fishing times and limited numbers of fishing boats, among other regulations. However, these rules were never systematically enforced and did not bring much relief. Since then, the United Kingdom and Denmark, two important fishing nations, became members of the EU, and have attempted, with the help of the Common Fisheries Policy,, Sea Fishing Products, to bring the problem under control.
Norway, not a member of the EU, has also reached an agreement with the European Community concerning fishing policy. Regional advisory committees meet with the EU to help enforce policy.In addition to threats due to food-chain disturbances, non-target species often wind up as victims of intense fishing. Sea turtles, dolphins, harbour porpoises, rays, and dozens of fish species are killed or injured by trawlers nets and beams. Denmark's trawler fishing alone accounts for the deaths of 5,000 porpoises a year.
Trawling can also have a destructive effect on seabed habitats as the trawler beams drag along the floor can uproot plants and destroy reefs.Fish caught in the North Sea in metric tonsCountry1950196019701980199019962002Denmark96,494284,527528,1271,806,1911,328,2511,284,3651,249,656Norway296,337323,381480,819498,777617,741618,669691,062United Kingdom308,895343,002410,775389,417343,205355,385295,367Germany233,481305,776284,68590,217108,99063,64769,836Netherlands64,43892,119121,524213,365256,597140,765146,835Soviet Union / Russia89,269352,857429,1827,181100France79,751149,769202,948100,86164,86035,26255,379Sweden43,68071,899124,79086,465116,69572,863131,991Faroe Islands38,63017,11163,72571,54023,29227,5720Iceland050,06521,111523084,668.
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